Why high cholesterol runs in families

Vytorin users may already know that high cholesterol levels are prevalent in individuals with poor diets. However, you may not be aware that your genetic markers could be to blame for an unhealthy amount of this substance in the bloodstream.

Vytorin users may already know that high cholesterol levels are prevalent in individuals with poor diets. However, you may not be aware that your genetic markers could be to blame for an unhealthy amount of this substance in the bloodstream.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this genetic phenomenon is called , a condition that causes high cholesterol to run in families. This can begin in patients at a young age, so it is important to measure your cholesterol levels with your doctor if you know that high cholesterol runs in your family. This way, you can buy Vytorin or other medications to help control your cholesterol and better your overall health.

What you need to know about familial hypercholesterolemia
According to Everyday Health, around are at risk for familial hypercholesterolemia, which is an inherited form of high cholesterol. Even if you keep a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you may have genetic markers that increase your likelihood for coronary heart disease, arterial plaque and risk of heart attack. Although this condition occurs in fewer than 5 percent of patients, it is not impossible.

"What we know is that it's a complicated process whereby cholesterol is produced predominantly in the liver," Dr. Stephen J. Nicholls, clinical director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Cardiovascular Diagnostics and Prevention, said in Everyday Health.

How familial hypercholesterolemia occurs
In every patient, cholesterol is transported into the bloodstream through cells, which is perfectly normal and actually good for you. However, for those who are suffering from familial hypercholesterolemia, does not allow LDL cholesterol to be absorbed well into cells, so much of this substance will remain in the blood and cause fatty plaque buildup, according to the Better Health Channel.

Options for those with familial hypercholesterolemia
Lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet and making daily exercise a part of your routine, are a great start to keeping your cholesterol at a healthy level. Quitting smoking and losing weight also play a role in bettering your cholesterol health. However, it is important to speak with a medical professional about certain Canadian drugs, such as Vytorin and other statins, can help you manage and reduce your high cholesterol levels.

"[People with these genetic conditions] often have to be aggressively treated and require multiple medications at high doses," Nicholls said in Everyday Health. "It can be quite a challenge to try and reduce their cardiovascular risk."