Women taking Clomid should be aware of risks from environmental toxins

Many women who are struggling with conception turn to fertility drugs such as Clomid, and new information indicates that environmental toxins may exacerbate their difficulties.

Many women who are struggling with conception turn to fertility drugs such as Clomid, and new information indicates that environmental toxins may exacerbate their difficulties.

"An overwhelming amount of evidence has accumulated in the last five to seven years that points to the fact that environmental contaminants can adversely affect reproductive health," Dr. Linda Giudice, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, said in a statement, according to LiveScience.

Giudice's organization, along with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, released a joint opinion piece on September 23 requesting that more be done by the U.S. government and physicians to prevent chemical exposure for women during pregnancy.

What can be done?
There are a number of environmental toxins that expecting moms are exposed to on a daily basis, and there is definitely room for improvement when it comes to prevention. For instance, lawmakers could make the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provide further information on how exposure to different chemicals affects pregnant females, infants and children. This would increase public knowledge and further drive demand for less exposure to these harmful emissions and substances.

The government isn't the only agency responsible for helping ensure the safety of pregnant women. It is also the responsibility of physicians to maintain the health of their patients. In order to do so, doctors will need to educate themselves on the environmental toxins that are present in their area. From there, they will be able to better educate patients on the topic. Additional steps may include:

  • Collecting environmental exposure histories during preconception and first prenatal visits to better understand if patients are at risk.
  • Providing patients with knowledge on how to properly wash fruits and vegetables to make them safe for consumption, as well as educating them on the dangers of eating certain fish - especially those with high mercury content.
  • Advocating for further policy changes regarding the matter and reporting any toxin hazards to the appropriate authorities.

It is important for Clomid users to note that exposure to some toxins can be dangerous even during preconception and the breast feeding stages of infancy. Just a few of the issues that can occur are:

  • Miscarriage
  • Preterm birth
  • Birth defects
  • Low birth weight
  • Childhood cancers
  • Intellectual and cognitive impairments
  • Thyroid problems

It's important for women who are trying to conceive to talk to their doctors about what can be done to avoid these toxins. Additionally, females should take it upon themselves to learn what chemicals may be present in the area they live.