Younger arthritis sufferers are more likely to fracture a bone

Younger women who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis may be significantly more likely to experience a broken bone, according to a new study, the findings suggest that a prescription to buy Hyalgan may be needed to treat their joint pain in order to enable them to exercise and strengthen their bones.

Younger women who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis may be significantly more likely to experience a broken bone, according to a new study, the findings suggest that a prescription to buy Hyalgan may be needed to treat their joint pain in order to enable them to exercise and strengthen their bones.

Despite the fact that regular physical activity is the best way to prevent joint tissue from deteriorating further, many people are unable to remain active because of the pain. This may not only impact joint health, it can also lead to weaker bones.

For the study, a team of researchers from the Mayo Clinic examined the medical records of 1,155 individuals, half of whom had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The results showed that women under the age of 50 with the joint condition were significantly more likely to experience a broken bone during the study period than women of a similar age with healthy joints.

"Understanding what contributes to the risk for fractures for all with rheumatoid arthritis, including young women, would help us better prevent them," said Shreyasee Amin, who led the study.