Zetia and these cholesterol-lowering foods can help improve your numbers

Zetia is an excellent cholesterol-reducing medication that can help individuals with high cholesterol, but it's easy to maximize the benefits Canadian drugs by sticking to a better and more balanced diet.

Zetia is an excellent cholesterol-reducing medication that can help individuals with high cholesterol, but it's easy to maximize the benefits Canadian drugs by sticking to a better and more balanced diet.

After all, much of the reason you may have cholesterol in the first place is likely from foods that are high in saturated fats and calories. Not only does this not help your waistline, it can wreak havoc on your blood pressure, increase your chances for Type 2 diabetes and cause your cholesterol to drift into an unhealthy state.

To remedy this condition, try incorporating some of these healthier foods into your diet along with your medication:

Oats: According to Harvard Medical School, one of the best ways to begin your day is to , as a single serving can give you 1 to 2 grams of soluble fiber. This isn't just great for your digestive system, it can also positively impact your cholesterol levels. Not a fan of oatmeal? Opt for whole-grain cereals and breads.

Fatty fish: You may be asking, "Wait, isn't fatty food what got me here?" Well, yes and no. There are many different kinds of fat that can be found in foods. However, omega-3s, which predominantly come from oils, are heart-healthy and reduce your risk of blood clots. Some of the best varieties of fatty fish include salmon, halibut, sardines, herring, lake trout, albacore tuna and mackerel. As an added bonus, there are many ways to prepare these types of fish, so you can get pretty creative with recipes.

Apples, grapes, strawberries and citrus fruits: You really can't go wrong with eating plenty of fruit in general. However, these types contain a special type of nutrient called pectin, which can help lower your LDL or "bad" cholesterol, according to Harvard Medical School.

Nuts: This could be just the snack for you if you are trying to lower your cholesterol levels. According to Harvard, there have been many studies that link almonds, walnuts, peanut, among others, to heart health. The source also indicated that simply eating 2 ounces of nuts per day can lower your LDL levels by 5 percent. Now that's a powerful snack!

Try serving up some of these foods in your next meal if you want to try and lower your cholesterol. If you doctor has prescribed medication like Zetia to reduce your levels, you can get you prescription at a lesser cost from a Canadian internet pharmacy.