Buy Chantix Prescriptions Online - Affordable Medication

We sell Chantix, Varenocline, Champix Starter Pack, and Canadian Chantix Online to those who have RX Prescriptions from your Doctor.

Chantix and/or Generic Equivalent Varenicline Prescription Information

Chantix (Varenicline) is a medication used to support people who are trying to Stop Smoking. It works by blocking the feelings of pleasure a person feels when smoking, which then decreases the need to continue smoking. As well as assisting in the cessation of smoking, Chantix can also be given for other reasons.

Before people order Chantix, as with other medication, it is vital that they have a discussion with a doctor or pharmacist, especially if they have ever suffered from depression, mental illness, heart or circulatory problems, or kidney disease.

Chantix Dosage - How to take Chantix?

There are two options on how to use this medication and a doctor or pharmacist will advise on the best method for each individual. The first option is to decide on a date to stop smoking and start the course of Chantix one week before the planned date. That will allow enough time for the medication to build up in the body. The second option is to begin a course of the medication before setting a planned 'quit' day and then setting a date to stop between eight and 35 days after starting the course of medication.

Having decided to purchase Chantix, the dose will be low at first, and will gradually increase over the first few days of treatment. Usually, the course of medication is given for 12 weeks, although a second course may be recommended to increase the chance of permanent smoking cessation.

If a dose is missed, it should either be taken immediately or the next scheduled dose waited for. Patients should not double dose to make up for the missed dose. If a person does overdose on the medication emergency medical expertise should be sought immediately or the Poison Helpline contacted on 1-800-222-1222.

Are there any Chantix Precautions?

Women who are planning to become pregnant, or who are already pregnant, should speak to a doctor because at the moment there is no definite knowledge of whether Chantix is safe for unborn babies. A woman who is breastfeeding should not use Chantix without discussing the situation with a medical practitioner. Chantix is suitable for adults only and, therefore, it should not be prescribed for a person under the age of 18 years.

The instructions given by the doctor should be followed exactly, and doses should not be altered or taken for longer than recommended. If someone decides to buy Chantix they should follow the instructions on the prescription label.

Additional Information on Chantix

While taking the medication a person may suffer from mood swings or behavior changes and find that their reactions may be slower. It is important, therefore, for themselves and others, to take care while driving or operating any machinery.

The majority of people feel no side effects from Chantix, but occasionally a few people suffer an allergic reaction to the medication. If a patient has symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, hives or swelling, especially in the face, emergency help should be called immediately.

If a patient is suffering from confusion, panic attacks, and hallucinations, or feeling agitated, hostile, or depressed or are considering suicide or self harm, the medication should be stopped at once and a doctor contacted.

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