Hemorrhoids Treatment

Hemorrhoids are a common problem, and not usually something that should cause concern. They are swollen veins in the anal canal, and could be internal, external, or both at the same time. The most common reasons for hemorrhoids include straining during bowel movements, constipation, prolonged sitting, anal infections and diseases such as liver cirrhosis. Many women also get hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth as a result of pressure in the pelvic region. You could experience bleeding, itching and swelling, and these symptoms can be treated by OTC medication such as corticosteroid creams or hemorrhoid creams with lidocaine. Anusol and Preparation H are go-to treatments for hemorrhoids, and Canadian Pharmacy Meds carries different forms of treatment within the two brands.

Hemorrhoid Treatment Products Online

Anusol Plus Ointment
Anusol Suppositories
Anusol Plus Suppositories
Preparation H Cream