Canadian Prescription Drug News - News Articles on Drugs

Harvard researchers may have uncovered new diabetic treatment May 27

As nearly 10 percent of the entire U.S. population deals with symptoms of diabetes on a daily basis, new funding and research is happening daily to find a cure. ... read more >>

New molecule discovered that could help treat asthma May 12

For Flovent users and the nearly 19 million adults currently living in the U.S. with asthma, any news is good news when it comes to potential treatments. ... read more >>

New study finds large increase in youth diabetes May 8

The U.S. is currently in the midst of a large battle with diabetes, and it is turning into a health epidemic that needs to be taken seriously. ... read more >>

Type 2 diabetes linked to brain shrinkage May 1

A new potential side effect from diabetes has Januvia users on their toes. ... read more >>