Canada Pharmacy Drug News - Prescription Drug News from Canada

Report: Erectile dysfunction rates in military are increasing October 15

While erectile dysfunction is typically an uncomfortable subject for most men, it's a health issue that can only be alleviated through communication. ... read more >>

Diabetes rate may be evening out in the US September 27

It's no secret that diabetes has been one of the more alarming health epidemics in the U.S. for the past few decades. ... read more >>

Complications of diabetes could lead to more severe falls September 19

As Januvia users continue to try and manage their diabetic symptoms, researchers keep trying to find new ways to fight back against this health epidemic. ... read more >>

Are schizophrenics more likely to have OCD? September 12

Schizophrenia is an illness that has continued to rapidly develop in the past few decades, and produces a number of symptoms that affect each individual differently. ... read more >>