Canadian Pharmacy Prescription Drug News & Information

Bed position in hospitals may be a factor for stroke patients December 5

Stroke victims should be aware of several guidelines when trying to manage their health. ... read more >>

New study details how excess protein may trigger schizophrenia December 1

While awareness of schizophrenia continues to progress, there is still much scientific detail that remains unknown regarding the origins of the disease. ... read more >>

Study: Fast-food consumption in inner cities may fuel diabetes surge November 24

While diabetics taking medications such as Januvia for their condition can help better manage their symptoms, the benefits of adhering to a healthy, well-balanced diet are crucial for anyone living with the disease. ... read more >>

Study: Nutritious foods significantly reduce stroke risk October 29

It's no secret: Implementing a nutritious diet into your everyday life can vastly improve your overall health, not to mention reduce your risk of stroke. ... read more >>